Friday, August 13, 2010

The English language is quite colorful. Often meaning of words take on different definitions depending upon where one was raised. Let’s face it, two people can read a sentence and get two very different meanings out of it. Can both meanings be right? If not, which meaning is correct? Who is right and who’s wrong? Is there a right and a wrong meaning to what one just read? There is an answer to these questions. The answers is only found with the author. The author knows exactly what he was trying to communicate. This why the reader has a responsibility to figure out the correct meaning, otherwise correct communicating cannot take place. Of course, the author has the responsibility to use correct language and grammar. If the author uses the wrong sentence structure, the reader be will be mislead. If the reader does not read and define carefully, again the reader will be mislead. There is always a responsibility on the part of the author and the reader if correct communication is going to take place.

This is one of the many reasons I love reading the Holy Scriptures. God, the author, is always correct in sentence structure, and word definitions. He is never ambiguous. As reader I do not have to fear or question whether God wrote what He meant or not. I know He wrote what He meant. As a reader I don’t have to fear the grammar being misplaced. God has perfect grammar and sentence structures. The only fear I have is whether or not I am interpreting the Scripture I am reading correctly or not. Now that I only have one difficulty to concern myself with, I simply need to compare God's words with God's Word, and let God tell me what He is saying. Then I have God's meaning and not my opinion. Besides God’s opinion is the only opinion which really matters. He has given His truth of life very clearly in Scripture, and it is up to me to search them out (See Prov. 2:1-5).

The reason we have so many different interpretations of the Holy Scripture is too many people interpretation it the way they feel, rather than the way God intended it to be understood. God, Himself makes it very clear to us in 2 Peter 1:20, “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." That is very clear. God has told us no one cannot place their own personal opinion upon the interpretation of the Holy Bible and come out with the truth. By all means read the Bible for it is the life manual to living full and content. Just be sure to let God define and interpret the meaning, and the blessings of joy will unfold before you.

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