Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Game OF Life

I find that nobody is responsible today. The news media blames the person they don’t want elected. American people blame the people they elect and put in office, and yet they reelect them and it is still the politician's fault. The Politicians blame the news media for twisting stories and not telling the whole truth of their sinful deeds. Children blame the parents for not giving them a good education or setting of too strict boundaries. Teachers blame students for not learning and for cheating. Students blame teachers for boring them to death and not teaching well. Husbands blame their wife for the marriage and bad kids, while the wife blames the husband for the failing marriage and never being around. Need I go on? We live in the blame game world.

The truth is we are all sinners. Sin is falling short of correctness and righteousness. We face much of our problems because of sin. Some sin we face was created by someone else, yet I still am responsible for my reaction and attitude to the situation. Some sin we face is because we live in sinful environment, and I am still responsible for my actions and attitudes. It is also true some sin we face was created by myself, and I am responsible. Yet, some sin I face is a combination of all three, in which case I am still responsible for my actions and attitudes.

Those who honestly cannot admit and confess their faults are failures in life. Yet, “If we confess our sins, he (Jesus Christ) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). They will know the deep joys of life and are successful in managing life. The truth is those who cannot “confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another…” (James 5:16) are deeply wounded in heart and soul and cannot enjoy the beauty God has set before them. Forsake the hiding of sin and blaming others and you will be the one enjoying the garden of Eden within your heart, rather than being kicked out as Adam and Eve, who began the blame game.

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