Monday, October 11, 2010

The Truth of Crucifixion (Part-4)

We come to the final use of the English word crucified in Gal 6;14, “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” This is being crucified to security. It is the physical victory over sin and the world. This is the liberty of life. This freedom is from the fears of harm, fear of trials and the fear of pain. Let me illustrate this truth with a true story which took place in Russia. About one hundred Christians gathered in secret for worship of Jesus Christ for fear of being jailed or killed. The worship began when all of a sudden the door flew open and four Russian soldiers with machine guns entered the crowed room. Yelling “this is an illegal gathering.” One soldier step forward and yelled “all you who are Christians will die today, but all of you who are not may live if you leave now.” Nobody moved, and the solder repeated the instructions. This time the room nearly emptied except for a handful of believers in Christ who stood ready to die. The soldiers closed the door and lowered their weapons. The Russian leader smiled and said "My true brother, You have truly died today, Let us worship and serve the Lord Jesus together."

The love and cause of Christ compels you forward without concern for what the world might do to you, because your life is in God hands. Regardless of wealth or poverty, joy or sorrows, pain or delight, hardship or ease it makes no difference what take place as long as Jesus Christ is pleased and glorified with your life. This does not mean you have no feelings, but it does mean that Christ is in control, for you are dead to things of this world. Being dead allows God to work his grace in you and through you, and fluidness of Christ flows through to the enrichment of life that can be found nowhere else. Few believers reach this level of deep relationship with Jesus.