Saturday, July 31, 2010


One things I have learned over the years is that people really do not communicate very well. They often claim they said, something, when they actually only thought it in their minds, and did not verbalize it to the one they wanted to communicate. Often one simply reviews it over and over in the mind so many times they believe they have communicated it. Another mistake made is the assumption that the other person knows and understands simply because they communicated words toward them. Only God knows all, understands all, and knows the correct method and means of dealing with all situations. Yet, this is what we expect others to be able to do. Yes, we expect them to understand, not simply try to understand. We expect them to know what we mean, not simply to strive to know the meaning. And when they fail to live one’s expectations, we quit on them. First we quit within our heart, while actions continue to appear supportive. As things proceed downhill, one eventually quits all together. Quitters become losers and they fail to prosper.

You know, I’m glad God did not quit on me. I clearly did not understand Him. Yet, God continues to reveal Himself a little at time, despite my foolish understanding of Him and despite my stubborn rejection of Him. Jesus left heaven and suffered in human body (which allows Him to know firsthand what life is like as human) and then He died upon a cross simply so I could communicate with Him. Now that I have become a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17) there is no greater joy of communication. John said well in 1 John 1:3-4, “ That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” Yet this blessing of communication only comes by way of Jesus Christ. John 1:12 tells us “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” Now that I am a son of God, I get the great privilege of communicating to the one who knows what I mean, and understands who I am, especially when I try, but fail to communicate my thoughts to Him. True communication brings great joy.
The Wonder

Friday, July 30, 2010

Deity! What?

You know, when I received Christ as my Savior, I had many doubts. I began reading the book of John. John does not fool around. He states clearly who Jesus is. Verses 1-5 clearly spell out that Jesus is God and Creator.
I have listed a few helpful thoughts in verses 1-5 of John.

1. John 1:1 - “Word” (ho logos) –
- a. The original manuscripts clearly reveal there is a define article here
meaning, “The Word,” which also conveys the idea of the only and specific.
- b. The Word is Jesus Christ (also see John 1:14)
2. John 1:5a - “Shineth” (phaino) - is present tense verb
3. John 1:5b - “Comprehend” (katalambano) - is a past tense verb

Is this simply a belief in the mind that Jesus is God or is this a reality? If it’s simply in the mind, it is a religion, useless like all other religions, for it is only in the mind and there is no real power nor no real value. Yet, if it is a reality and Jesus is God, then this is very impressive. So impressive I had better pay attention, because it says, He created all things. This is real power. There is much value in personally knowing the one who created you. Yet, if he is God how do I get in touch with Him? What does He think of me? Will He allow me to communicate with Him? Many questions come to mind. Yet the one who pursues truth will be rewarded in finding the real and correct answers, and will be blessed above those who quit. Are you a quitter? I wonder?

The Wonder

Thursday, July 29, 2010

First Post - Life Changing

What does one say in his first posting? There are many different directions one could expound. Yet, I think I will begin with a personal testimony, not of myself but of the greatness of the Savior and what He has done in my life for His glory. It doesn’t make much sense to me why He puts so much time and effort in the likes of me, but I do know one thing. You are important, and since God was willing to reach down to rescue me, He most certainly will reach out to you and marvelously transform you if you will allow Him to, through simply trusting in Jesus Christ. Let us begin.

I was reared in a religious home, but did not know the Lord. The Lord began revealing the truth of salvation to me in a very interesting way. Unknown to myself, God was at work through events and circumstance which I only recognized after I received Jesus Christ as my savior. My desire was to join the Air Force. Yet, I failed my hearing test in Denver Colorado for the military. Later I had it check and it was normal. Due to not being accepted into the military, I decided to go to the University of Wyoming. During the first week at UW, I made a phone call and dialed a wrong phone number. This event brought me in contact with a real Christian believer who shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with me for the first time in my life. After struggling with the truth of salvation for two months on November 4, 1979 just before midnight, I knelt down in a study dorm lounge, recognizing I was a sinner and in need of forgiveness. Understanding Jesus Christ is the only one who could set me free from sin, because He shed His blood upon the cross and paid for my sin, I asked Jesus to forgive me, come into my heart, and be my God.

My life was changed dramatically. Jesus Christ is now my Lord and Savior. Living a life free from the bondage of sin I realized others should know this great blessing, therefore, I changed my major to education in order to learn how to be an effective teacher. Later, during my junior year of college God called me to ministry using Isa. 57:15. I was graduated from the University of Wyoming and went on for further Biblical training.

The Lord has blessed me with an awesome wife and wonderful children. The road has not been easy, Yet, God never promised an easy road, but one of refining assurance in fulfillment as well as the gift of eternal life. I hope you will join me as I share many life truths the Lord has taught me from the Holy Scriptures. May God enrich your life by bringing you to know Jesus Christ, the greatest relationship and friendship of all eternity.

The Wonder