Friday, July 30, 2010

Deity! What?

You know, when I received Christ as my Savior, I had many doubts. I began reading the book of John. John does not fool around. He states clearly who Jesus is. Verses 1-5 clearly spell out that Jesus is God and Creator.
I have listed a few helpful thoughts in verses 1-5 of John.

1. John 1:1 - “Word” (ho logos) –
- a. The original manuscripts clearly reveal there is a define article here
meaning, “The Word,” which also conveys the idea of the only and specific.
- b. The Word is Jesus Christ (also see John 1:14)
2. John 1:5a - “Shineth” (phaino) - is present tense verb
3. John 1:5b - “Comprehend” (katalambano) - is a past tense verb

Is this simply a belief in the mind that Jesus is God or is this a reality? If it’s simply in the mind, it is a religion, useless like all other religions, for it is only in the mind and there is no real power nor no real value. Yet, if it is a reality and Jesus is God, then this is very impressive. So impressive I had better pay attention, because it says, He created all things. This is real power. There is much value in personally knowing the one who created you. Yet, if he is God how do I get in touch with Him? What does He think of me? Will He allow me to communicate with Him? Many questions come to mind. Yet the one who pursues truth will be rewarded in finding the real and correct answers, and will be blessed above those who quit. Are you a quitter? I wonder?

The Wonder

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