Monday, August 9, 2010

Confidence Misplaced or Secure

Confidence is only as sturdy and strong as what the confidence is placed upon. Confidence misplaced erodes one’s confidence and brings disappointment (of course some people don’t learn and just continue along in their destructive ways), while confidence placed rightly strengthens one’s confidence and brings great benefits (not just, now but for future generations and on into eternity). Well placed confidence is confidence placed in Jesus Christ. One’s footing never slips, for Christ is the firm foundation for living. Philippians 1:6 reveals this well placed firmness of confidence in Christ: “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Please notice a few words here. The word “he” is Jesus Christ. The word “begun” (enarchesthai) reveals God is doing the work in His child. The word “perform” means to fully complete. These two words “begun” and “perform” were used in a Greek ceremonial ritual. The word “begin” explained the lighting of the torch at the beginning of the ceremony, while the word “perform” describes the full and complete, finished work of the ceremony. The word “good” describes the benefit of God’s work. All of you who have placed your confidence in Jesus Christ for eternal life and salvation will not be disappointed, for God has begun the construction of good in your lives. The born-again believer’s life is in the refining hands of God and He will “perform” (fully complete) it, bringing you forth in purity. Yes, you are in “good hands” (not Allstates but God’s). Unbelievers do not have this privilege. They have no guarantees; all they have is false confidence placed in whatever illusion (crumbling objects) they choose. These illusions will one day be destroyed along with their dreams and themselves. Why would one place confidence in anyone other than Jesus Christ? “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Amen.

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