Monday, August 2, 2010

What! Standing in a Garage?

You have read, or have heard it said, “Going to church does not make you a Christian any more than standing in the garage makes you a car.” What I hope people realize is cars do not go to the garage to become a car, for they are already a car. Christians do not go to church to become a Christian for they are already a Christian. Those who go to church to become a Christian are not Christians and will not become a Christian simply by going to church. Those who are not a Christian only get religion when they go to church. I don’t know about you, but I hate religion. As far as I am concern religion is as joyful as watching paint dry and is as useful as standing on a highway in front of an oncoming diesel.
So, why do Christians go to church? In some ways for the same reasons a car goes to the garage. First, it is a place of shelter from the storms. Church is a place where like-minded Christians gather not having to concern themselves with the devices (storms) of this world. Second, church is place to be repaired, cleaned, and polished. Strength and encouragement comes from gathering with like-minded Christians with Jesus Christ. God’s tool “The Word” works to repair, clean, and polish the heart and soul of his children. Each day there is wear and tear upon the heart and soul of Christians, just as there is wear and tear on one’s car. The church aids in getting you ready for another week of serving God. Third, the church is place to be readied to transport God’s love and the gospel of salvation message. As the car gets loaded up to transport one to work, the worship at church loads one up to deliver God’s love and gospel of salvation message. The world hates Christians and the world makes it difficult to live. If you want evidence, watch the nightly news give tolerance to all the religions, but not to genuine Christians. Finally, and the most important reason to go to church is to Worship the Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy Him with fellow believing Christians.
In conclusion, if you have no desire to go to church, it is because you may not be a genuine Christian. When God transforms you to be His child, he also gives you a desire to know Him in the gathering of other believers. If you are going to church and you are not getting repaired, cleansed, and polished at church, you are going to a religious church, rather than a genuine church which actually teaches “The Word” in God’s love and worships God. Yes it is true: “Going to church does not make you a Christian any more than standing in the garage makes you a car.” Yet, that is not an acceptable excuse before God Almighty. Did you gather together with like-minded believers in church last Sunday? And where will you be this Sunday? Are you honestly committed to Christ and His cause? May God enrich your heart to love Him.

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