Thursday, August 5, 2010

A 9th. Hole Marriage

My family lives across the street from the 9th hole of a golf course. My kids sell lemonade and golf balls to the golfers. Believe it or not, I get free golfing, but I would rather go walking with my wife around the golf course. A few days ago we were walking to get our exercise and my ankle was really giving me problems. I started to feel sorry for myself. You see, I broke my ankle 11 months ago and now I have a plate and seven screws holding it together. The broken ankle ended my sports activities, but I can now forecast some weather changes by the pain in my ankle. Oh, by the way, if any of these blogs do not make sense, it is because I probably have a screw loose. What’s your excuse? Anyway, getting back to the story, I was feeling sorry for myself while walking next to my wife, when I looked up into her glimmering, and joyful eyes, and at that moment my ankle zapped me with a jolt of pain. It was at that moment I was reminded of what a wonderful wife I have married. No! It is not because she is a pain, but because she has cared for me, not just through surgery on the ankle but also for 23 years. Anyone putting up with me that long has to be terrific.

My wife, Carol is a terrific person with excellent character. I do love her. She is fun, strong, and encouraging. She lovingly and gently challenges me. She does not challenge me to get a honey do list accomplished, but to be a better person. I’ve sought to challenge her in the same way. The change of growing was revealed to us by our oldest daughter, when she reminded us of this ongoing success (challenge) of helping each other become better people as she scolded us with these words: “Would you two stop arguing over who is going to sacrifice for the other. One of you needs to get selfish and just take.” Carol and I looked at each other for a moment and then laughed. This is what marriage is about. Helping each other become a better person in the Lord and for the Lord. I must admit, the Lord gets the credit for waking me from feeling sorry for myself by using the pain in my ankle to remind me of the blessings which befall all around. Take a moment and let the Lord open your eyes to the blessings around you. May God richly bless you in His Son, Jesus Christ.

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