Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Little or Much

I was mowing the church lawn when the engine started knocking. It was a horrible banging sound. I only made a few swipes around the yard and the noise was growing worse. I turned off the mower and sat for few moments praying. “Lord, I really don’t need this right now with all that needs to be done. It’s your yard. If you don’t want the lawn looking nice that up to you. You know Lord I do not have the ability to fix the mower.” I got off the mower, opened the hood and looked around, but didn’t see anything wrong. I decided to go in and eat lunch, and I would look at it after lunch. After lunch I started up the mower and the noise seemed worse. I turned it off immediately. I went inside and call a friend who knows a little about engines. He said he'd come by after he had lunch. Then I went to work on my studies. My friend come over, started up the mower, and within a few minutes he had diagnosed the problem. An important screw had come loose and fell off something which cause the loud the banging noise. He did tell me the engine could have easily burned up in prolonged mowing. I’m thanking the Lord for such a simple fix. All I needed was a screw to put it back together. I thought I would just have to make a 50 minute trip to the store and it would be done. When my friend looked up at me, he said, “Where did the mower start making the noise.” I replied, “It was louder on the hill section, Why?” He answered, “That’s where we should start looking for the screw.” At that moment I looked into his eyes to see if he was serious. He was very serious. I didn’t say it at that moment, but I thought, "We have over 3 acres of lawn and it will be worse than looking for a needle in a hay stack." Then my thoughts turned to the Lord. “Lord it is impossible to find screw on three acres of lawn. Only you can find it.” We walked across the lawn following the mower path. After about 10 steps my friend leaned down and picked up the screw. We stood their looking at that screw in awe. We found it! Or I should say, God led us directly to it. I was reminded at that moment of a Bible verse which I have often recited, Luke 16:10, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much…” I was rebuked for lacking in faith for such a little matter. Is anything too hard for the LORD? (Gen. 18:14). God is interested in every facet of our lives. He created us. He allowed His Son to die to redeem us from our sin. God cares about every fact of your life, seek Him in all things, and enjoy His blessing in good times and bad.

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