Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Over the years I have learned not to force things, for in the process of forcing things, something always breaks. It is not always a physical object that breaks. Quite often it is someone’s feelings or even a friendship. It only takes a small crack for the seed of bitterness to settle in, divide, and conquer. So how does one deal with stupidity which seems to befall one on all sides? Well, there is a wonderful verse in Philippians 2:1, which provides us with an answer and four incentives to reach out and grasp the answer for conquering life in victorious living.

The answer is found in the word Humility. Those who will humble themselves in Jesus Christ will conquer life victoriously. First, notice humility provides powerful guidance: Phil 2:1,“If there be therefore any consolation in Christ . . .” Consolation is the idea of exhortation with earnest pleas of comforting guidance. Christ not only died to pay for your sin, but is also there to cheer you on to greatness. Second, humility provides the passion of giving: Phil. 1:1b ". . . If any comfort of love. . .” Love is action word which gives and keeps on giving. Love is sacrificial selflessness given out as Christ sacrificially left heaven, dwelt on this earth, and then died to redeem you. It takes great humility to die for those who use you and spit upon you. Yet, it takes humility to receive blessings from humility. Third, there is partnership in gentleness: “. . . if any fellowship of the Spirit. . .” Fellowship is a sacrificial commitment to reach a shared vision. Christ shares your vision of becoming all you were created to be, thereby He died for you, rose again for you, and will partner in life with you. Quality fellowship demands humility. Finally, there is a perception of grief in humility: “. . . if any bowels and mercies . . .” Humility can feel and relate to the pains and trials of others, just as Christ feels your pain, and places every tear drop in bottle. It takes great strength to live humbly, and in this humility you will conquer life. Are you conquering life or simply reacting to it?

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